How to show the task manager if it is blocke by some virus / administrator

If some virus/program has blocked your task manager in windows and gives messages like "Task manager has been disabled by your administrator", you can enable it by running this command in the run command box:

REG add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableTaskMgr /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

How to retrieve the next value from identity column of a table

Select Ident_Current('table name here') +1

Select Ident_Current('Inquiry') +1

Karachi Bloggers Meetup

Karachi Bloggers Meetup has been announced and it is being organized by "CIO Pakistan", I am looking forward to this event. It is going to be very informative as many experienced bloggers will be there to share their thoughs and experiences. Another such meetup has already been organized by the same team in lahore as well.

The details as mentioned on event's facebook page are as under;


Register Here:
Since we have limited seats, PLEASE register here (registration is FREE!): OR

Who Can Benefit From Blogging?
Students: Discover how you can earn your own pocket money
Housewives: Learn how you can earn & support your family while staying at home
Professionals: See how you can enjoy a second income while still doing a full-time job
Everybody: Other than the monetary perspective, learn how to share your thoughts/opinions with the world

Event Summary:
The idea is to encourage Internet users & bloggers to meet offline as well. Senior bloggers get a chance to share knowledge & experience. New wanna-be bloggers can learn from the local success stories and network with leaders & professionals in this field.

CIO Pakistan [ ]
in association with Google Pakistan [ ]

TBA soon

Agenda (draft/tentative):
Keep watching... Coming soon...

- Please help spread the word in any way you can
- Karachi Bloggers: please help post about it on your blogs, twitter, FB, Digg, Stumbleupon, etc.
- You may bring your laptops as we hope to have WiFi connectivity there; Enjoy live blogging, Tweeting, etc.
- Please DON'T be shy at the event to ask even the silliest of questions!

Punctuality is virtue!


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